Why Technical Writing is Crucial for Product Managers

Why Technical Writing is Crucial for Product Managers

From requirements to user manuals: How technical writing can improve the entire product lifecycle.

As a product manager, I'm always looking for ways to improve my skills and add value to my team. Recently, I stumbled upon a story shared by David Herbert on Twitter about how he found a breakthrough in tech with Technical Writing. Intrigued, I started exploring this topic further and even took some online courses to develop my skills. To my surprise, I found that technical writing is not only useful but also necessary for any product manager who wants to succeed in their role. In this blog post, I want to share my top five reasons why you, as a product manager, need to prioritize technical writing in your skill set. Let's dive in!

1.Clarity and Consistency in Communication

Technical writing is a valuable skill that can help PMs communicate complex technical concepts and product requirements to a diverse audience, including the development team, stakeholders, and customers in a clear and concise manner. With technical writing, a PM can avoid misunderstandings, ensure everyone is on the same page, and establish consistency in communication across the organization.

2.Improved Collaboration with Technical Teams

As a PM, you work closely with technical teams, and it's crucial to establish a common language to ensure effective collaboration. Technical writing can help you bridge the gap between your team and the technical team by breaking down complex technical jargon into understandable language. This skill can lead to more productive discussions, better decision-making, and faster product development.

3.More Efficient Product Development

Effective communication is essential for efficient product development, and technical writing can significantly contribute to this. With well-written technical documentation, developers can quickly understand requirements, specifications, and design decisions, which can result in faster development times and fewer bugs. This improved communication can also reduce development costs and improve the overall quality of the product.

4.Increased Productivity and Time Management

One of the key benefits of technical writing is its ability to increase productivity and improve time management for PMs. By breaking down complex technical concepts into smaller, more manageable pieces, you can streamline your workflow and stay focused on critical tasks. You can also use technical writing to create standard templates, guidelines, and checklists to streamline your work and ensure consistency in your approach.

5.Improved User Experience

Ultimately, the product's success depends on user adoption and satisfaction. Technical writing can play a crucial role in improving the user experience by creating clear and concise product documentation, user manuals, and guides. This skill can help users quickly understand how to use the product and reduce the need for customer support. It can also improve the overall reputation of your product and company.


Technical writing is a valuable skill that can significantly benefit you as a product manager. With improved communication, collaboration, productivity, and user experience, you can achieve better product outcomes and increase the overall success of your product. So, don't shy away from technical writing; instead, embrace it and make it a priority in your skill set.